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Savvy Strategic Alliances with Tara Butler Floch

About this event

Most coaches start their own practice excited about “doing their own thing” and being their own boss. The flip side, however, is that working alone can be isolating and uninspiring at times. Solopreneurs crave both autonomy and collaboration in their businesses at the same time. Strategic Alliances are a great way to get both of those needs met while moving your business to the next level when you pick the right partners for the right projects. Coaches who crave collaboration often jump into strategic alliances without clarity of vision and strong design, and get little ROI as a result. When done well, Strategic Alliances can be one of the fastest and most joyous ways to grow your business. This training will teach you how to do just that.

Learn the best practices to creating and sustaining powerful Strategic Alliances with other professionals and watch your business grow. In this presentation your will learn:
• How Strategic Alliances can uplevel your business rapidly
• The 6 Keys you must have with a potential partner to create a thriving partnership
• The biggest challenges in creating strategic alliances (and how to avoid them so you quit wasting time and energy and start seeing results sooner)
• Tried and true, proven best practices for creating powerful, sustainable strategic alliances

Participants will learn how Savvy Strategic Alliances can really uplevel and change their businesses dramatically. They will know how to assess potential strategic alliances and whether they will be a good fit. They will also learn about the 6 primary types of strategic alliances that work well for coaches and some of the ins and outs of typically arrangements. They will also be able to better identify the type of alliances that they want and how to identify potential partners.

Participants will earn 1 Resource Development CCE for attending this webinar.

Tara Butler Floch is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) and Professional Certified Coach (PCC) who is known as the “coaches’ coach”. She has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs level up their businesses since 2000, when she started her coaching and training company, after being a Sales & Marketing Executive of 3 global companies and managing teams of up to 80 people. Tara has always been passionate about helping others fully step into their full potential, passion and gifts. She has used her deep knowledge of business development, marketing and branding to help hundreds of clients define their niche to make a greater impact with their clients, transform and grow existing businesses, and create meaningful, passionate, full coaching practices of ideal clients. Her mission is to widen her ripple effect in the world by helping great coaches build their businesses and help even more people transform their lives.

All virtual events are 12-1 pm Central/ 1-2 pm Eastern.

Date and Time

Wednesday, October 6, 2021, 12:00 PM until 1:00 PM


online via Zoom
Join details will be sent 24 hours prior to the webinar



Registration Info

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