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HomeCall for Presentations

Presentation Guidelines

We are delighted you are submitting a proposal to present at the 2024 ICF Midwest Coaches Conference, September 25-27, 2024 at the Westin in Cincinnati, Ohio. Our theme is “FLOW BOLDLY.”

We appreciate and respect your time and expertise. We come together to learn from and to support each other as coaches and professionals affiliated with the coaching profession.

In-person conferences are unique opportunities for active and experiential engagement that differs from online webinars and workshops. In that spirit, we aim to host interactive traditional and non-traditional/innovative sessions ranging from six to seventy five minutes in length.

We encourage everyone with ideas to submit a proposal! Please let us know how you intend to incorporate experiential engagement into your session, i.e., how much time on presentation, group work, participation reflection/integration, role modeling, Q&A and the like. NOTE: We require you to submit a video clip showcasing your content and presentation style.

Key Considerations:

  • Breakout presenters will be compensated by receiving a free conference registration which includes breakout sessions and breakfast and lunch each day of the conference. We do ask you to pay your own expenses.

  • While your breakout session will demonstrate your expertise, we ask that you refrain from any overt marketing or sales.

  • When you provide information, the conference team commits to showcasing you as a presenter prior to the event, and at the event through social media, our program guide and key announcement and signage at the conference.

  • If you desire, your topic and contact information will be shared with other Chapter leaders in our region to consider for local programming.

Thank you for agreeing to these expectations. Your willingness to present is a gift to the coaching community, and we are grateful.

RFP Submission deadline is 12:00 midnight eastern time (New York) November 30, 2023.
All applicants will be notified of their selection status by January 15, 2024.

Request for Presentation Guidelines

Complete Application