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HomeCommunity Service Project

We are excited to announce a distinctive Community Service Project for the ICF Midwest Coaches Conference 2024, focusing on empowering nonprofit leaders in Cincinnati. This initiative collaborates with the Leadership Council for Nonprofits and Health Care Access Now, supported by Cincinnati Cares.

Project Overview

The ICF Midwest Coaches Conference is committed to giving back to our host city. This year, we proudly offer pro bono coaching sessions to leaders of selected nonprofit organizations in Cincinnati. This initiative presents an excellent opportunity for experienced coaches to share their expertise and positively impact our community.

Who Can Participate?

We are seeking credentialed coaches who are committed to the following:

Adhering to the ICF Code of Ethics.
Providing six pro bono coaching sessions, starting in August and scheduled at least once a month.
Participating in an orientation session before commencing the coaching sessions.

Benefits to Coaches

Participating coaches will enjoy several benefits, including:

The opportunity to give back to the community by empowering nonprofit leaders through coaching.
Engagement with a network of professional peers and community leaders.
Access to resources including coaching agreements, goal-setting templates, and preparation forms to support your coaching sessions.

How to Apply

Interested coaches are invited to apply for this rewarding opportunity. Click here to learn more about the application and the process and here for the cheat sheet on creating an account on the matching platform. (At this time we are only accepting volunteers with a coaching credential, please complete an application only if you have a current credential.)

For even more information about the Community Service Project and about how to complete the application process, you can watch the June 26, 2024, coach kickoff and orientation session here, passcode 6v!1DgBR
Make a Difference

This project allows you to serve and expand your professional impact and connect with leaders who are making a real difference. Join us in enhancing nonprofit leaders' capabilities and strengthening our community's fabric.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to contribute to a cause close to our hearts. 

We are excited about the potential impact this project will have on the nonprofit community in Cincinnati and look forward to your enthusiastic participation!